Saturday, October 15, 2011

Drum Roll Please…………

It’s been a couple of weeks since I have updated the blog. I hoped to get a post out about SANS FOR610, but that will have to wait. Thursday evening I I received an email from Jeff Frisk about my GSE results!

Naturally my wife had been working late, was on the way home but she was still a good 30 minutes away. I called her and told her I got the results, she said OPEN IT NOW! Who am I to disagree?

I open the email and after the greeting I saw the words Congratulations! I immediately began celebrating and realized I would not have to sit the test again. Right then I decieded to take the rest of the evening off and relax with my family and celebrate.

After getting the results I started reaching out to others who took the exam with me. So of them passed, others had to write a paper, and so of them will have to sit for the exam again. Regardless of the outcome the people who sit for this exam should be proud of themselves! I do want to give a special congratulations to my fellow newly minted GSE’s:

• Ahmed Abdel-Aziz
• Skip Duckwall
• Brian Estep

There a ton of people who I would like to think, co-workers, authors’ of books listed in the blog, people I follow on twitter, and friends. Two people I want to think personally are Ash (who will be a GSE very soon!), and Chris. Finally, I want to say thank you to my family for their support and understanding during the entire process as well.

With the GSE knocked out, it’s time to start blogging about something other than the GSE! My next blog post will be about SANS FOR 610 Reverse Engineering Malware, then on to more technical post!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My thoughts about the GSE lab.

After sitting through the lab, and having some time to reflect the exam I thought I would give my thoughts on it. I don’t know if I passed or fail, but I wanted to get this out before I got the results so I had no bias.

There is a lot of mystery surrounding the exam, and I am not going to reveal anything new about the exam itself. I’ll say there was nothing on the exam that wasn’t covered in the GSE objectives. The challenge with this exam is not the range of topics, which there are plenty, but how deep you must know these topics.

What did I think of the exam itself? I LOVED IT! Take the nerves out of the exam and it was really an enjoyable exam, in fact I will say it’s most fun I ever had taking a certification exam. I told Jeff Pike, I would love to do the exam at home. Regardless If I pass or fail, I’ll say if you don’t have a lot of hands on experience I don’t think you’ll be able to pass.

Hopefully I'll find out in a couple of weeks if I passed or failed in the next couple of weeks and I can get back to blogging about other things. I plan to give a review of SANS FOR610 class that I took at SANS Network Security.
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