Sunday, November 21, 2010

fuzzing a web applications directory structure

When performing black-box web application penetration test one of the most important steps, but often overlooked is the application profiling phase. The objective of the application profile phase is gather as much information about the application structure and the applications functionality as possible. Typically, especially during a black-box test, the tester is provided the application URL and perhaps a couple of logins to use for the pentest.

As with any other phase of a pentesting, the application profile phase is really made up of several steps. One of these steps is determining the applications directory structure. Its simple to find the “public” directory structure of the application, but what about the “private” directories of the application that should not be found, such as old versions of the application or more importantly administration functions?

To find these and other gems that can provide juicy information hidden in the “private” directories the tester must fuzz the applications directory structure. Web application fuzzing is simply sending random data to the web site requesting a resource and reviewing the results of the request to determine if the resource exist.

To give a simple example how fuzzing works lets examine the fuzzing process on the imaginary website The website directory structure consist of the following directories and if they are linked in the web application:

/admin – Not linked in the web application
/docs – Linked in the web application
/images – Linked in the web application
/pages – Linked in the web application
/scripts – Linked in the web application
/source – Not linked in the web application
/test – Not linked in the web application
The following HTTP status codes are used when fuzzing an application to inform the tester if the requested resource exist:

200 - OK
301 – Moved Permanently
302 – Moved Temporarily
401 - Unauthorized
Any other HTTP status code says the resource does not exist or is forbidden (HTTP 403 status code) to the tester. Understanding the HTTP status codes, the tester can to fuzz the application to determine its directory structure.

The tester will fuzz the directory structure by manually requesting the following directories and the request corresponding HTTP status code:

/admin – 401
/backup – 404
/code – 404
/docs – 200
/images – 200
/include – 200
/old – 404
/pages – 200
/source – 301 Redirects to /test directory
/scripts – 200
/test – 200

By manually fuzzing the application the tester found the /admin, /source and /test directories. Had the tester not fuzzed the website these directories would have been missed. Although the /admin directory requires authorization to access the tester now knows to spend some time trying access this area of the application. Finding the /source and /test directories, the tester chances of finding information about the security of the application increases.

Although in the above example the tester was able to find 2 “private” directories with just 6 guesses in the real world the tester would typically try thousands of directories to increase the probability of finding “private” directories. Of course, no tester wants to do thousands of manual requests to a website, so a fuzzing tool should be used to fuzz the directory structure.

With an understanding of what fuzzing is and how it works next time I will discuss a tool that I use to perform web application fuzzing. Of course like any tool there are lots of them out there is this tool is my personal preference.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Completed OWSP challenge …………………and passed!

A few months ago I blogged about taking the Offensive-Security Wifu class, which can be found here. I finally completed the second part of the class and signed up for the challenge to get the Offensive Security Wireless Professional (OWSP).

The second part of the class, which had several videos with it, was focused on gathering information and using that information to attack wireless networks. The class focused on the different applications that make up the aircrack-ng suite of tools. After learning what you used the various tools for the put it all together to show how to crack WEP-OPN, WEP-SKA and WPA-PSK. They also discussed different ways to attack wireless networks that have no associated clients or very little network activity.

After completing the class I studied the lab material and ran through every attack scenario a few times to make sure I was able to successfully perform each type of attack. Once I was comfortable with all of the attack types I registered to take the OWSP challenge.

The OWSP exam is different than other certifications exams in which they ask you a question and you typically choice a multiple choice answer. For the OWSP I had to connect to a system on the Internet and perform a series of attacks to gain access to wireless networks within 4 hours. Once you complete the objectives you write up how you performed the attacks and they send you the answers back with-in 72 hours.

I started my exam on time, but ran into 1 technical issue. I contact exam support and the issue was resolved immediately. After the issue was resolved I went about my exam and completed all my objectives in about an hour and half. I should have been done sooner but I made a mistake on one attack that added about 20 minutes to the length of the exam. After completing my objectives I had 24 hours to prepare my documentation and turn in for grading.

I completed the documentation a couple of hours after the exam and sent off to be graded. I receive a confirmation they received the documentation and went about my business, expecting to hear back in a couple of days. This morning I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email stating that I had successfully passed my challenge and was certified as an OWSP.

If you have any interested in wireless security this is a great course to start off with, especially if you factor in the cost of the course and certification. If you need to take a wireless security course and have limited funds, this is a great course to take and I will recommend it to anyone.
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